The Soup, the Captain, and the Ceilidh


The Caledonian Society Soup Supper on Saturday, November 14 will be held this year at St. Clement’s Parish Hall, 1515 Wilder Avenue starting at 5:30 p.m.  Several soup makers from the Society will prepare soups from Scottish recipes. To complete the meal, all other attendees are asked to bring a pupu, a bread, or a dessert to share. Non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. No charge for this event.


If you would like to be part of the soup-making team, please phone supper chair, Jackie Phillips at 621-6622. If you are bringing one of the other suggested menu items, no reservations are necessary.  Parking is available on the street or in the church parking lot in front of the parish hall. If you need a ride, please phone Lillian Cunningham 538-7707.


After dinner, member Eleanor Nordyke, author of a recent illustrated book on Captain Cook, (see story in the most recent Caledonian) will give a visual presentation, “Pacific Images: Captain Cook’s Life and Voyages.”


To complete the evening, the floor will be open for a traditional ceilidh, during which we entertain ourselves. Everyone is welcome, (but not required) to present a “party piece” one to two minutes long—a song, a poem, a joke, a very short story—perhaps with a Scottish connection. If you have something a bit longer you would like to perform, please phone Lillian Cunningham in advance (538-7707) so that we can be sure to have time for it.

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