LogoThe Caledonian Society
of Hawai‘i


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  • January 25th, 2025 - Burns Night - our 60th Anniversary!
  • complete Celtic Calendar

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Caledonian Newsletter




We can accept donations through Squareup - click here to visit.

The Caledonian Society of Hawaii is a qualified non-profit 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.

Donations are gratefully accepted and deductible to the full extent of the law.

Please consult your tax advisor regarding specific questions about your deductions.


2018 Annual General Meeting

Lisa GomesSaturday, June 23, 11:00am to 2:00pm

The Oahu Country Club

pictures from the event are at the bottom of the page

The beautiful Oahu Country Club will again be the venue for our annual AGM. A short meeting before lunch will include the election of Board members. A sandwich & salad buffet luncheon will be served at 11:30am. The Society with help defray costs for this luncheon for members of the Society. The prices are: Members price $30; Non-Members $40. Please send your check to The Caledonian Society P.O. Box 4164, Honolulu, HI 96812, or you can pay with PayPal. Lisa Gomes will play for us during the social times.

The program for June 23rd, titled "Who Lived in Scotland Before it Was Scotland?" will take us back 5,000 years to the Neolithic Age when our ancestors built amazing stone circles long before Stonehenge. It will make special reference to Orkney, the group of islands 7 miles north of Mainland Scotland, which has long been known for its rich archaeological heritage of Stone Age structures, such as the huge chambered tomb of Maesehowe and the cozy underground houses of Skara Brae. New scientific techniques have recently revealed an enormous multi-building temple complex on the scale of the Acropolis in Greece, but 2,500 years older and currently being excavated.

Brian Richardson and Bruce McEwan are coordinating this program with help from others members and featuring some spectacular photography.

This is also a great time to renew your membership

Reports (PDFs)

Meeting Agenda

Chieftain's Report

Vice-Chieftain's Report

Membership Report

Schedule for 2017-2018 Report

Minutes from the 2017 AGM



The buffet line

Members at the buffet line

Lillian presenting on the neolithic standing stones in Scotland

Lillian presenting on neolithic Scotland


The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors




Copyright Caledonian Society of Hawaii - Last updated June 30, 2024
Email us at info@scotsinhawaii.org