LogoThe Caledonian Society
of Hawai‘i


Upcoming Events

  • January 25th, 2025 - Burns Night - our 60th Anniversary!
  • complete Celtic Calendar

About Us


Caledonian Newsletter




We can accept donations through Squareup - click here to visit.

The Caledonian Society of Hawaii is a qualified non-profit 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.

Donations are gratefully accepted and deductible to the full extent of the law.

Please consult your tax advisor regarding specific questions about your deductions.


2023-2024 Council Contacts

Email us at info@scotsinhawaii.org

Mailing address: P.O. Box 4164, Honolulu, HI 96812-4164


Chieftain Bruce McEwan bemacewan@gmail.com 2024-2027
Vice Chieftain Susan MacKinnon susanmack1@mac.com 2024-2027
Secretary Mary Jill Ackerman mjackerman099@twc.com 2022-2025
Membership Secretary Kevin Campbell Bogan kevin.bogan@gmail.com 2024-2027
Treasurer Karen Thompson vsf723@yahoo.com 2023-2026


  Susan Anderson andersonsusan@hotmail.com 2024-2027
  Anton Anderssen antonanderssen@gmail.com 2022-2025
  Joshua Beem joshua.beem@outlook.com 2023-2026
  Janice Choate-Zavakos jlczlady@aol.com 2022-2025
events Lillian Cunningham lillianc@hawaii.edu 2023-2026
  Jackie Phillips jlphil1@hawaiiantel.net 2023-2026
  Larry Phillips jlphil1@hawaiiantel.net 2023-2026
  Jim Redmond jredmond@hawaii.edu  
website Brian Richardson richardson96822@gmail.com 2022-2025
  Hardy Spoehr hspoehr@gmail.com 2023-2026




Copyright Caledonian Society of Hawaii - Last updated June 30, 2024
Email us at info@scotsinhawaii.org