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Scottish Regiments of World War One

Far Far from YpresNovember 11, 1918 was Armistice Day WW l


The Caledonian Society will commemorate this day with an event to honor the more than 100,000 Scots who died in what was called "the war to end all wars." November 10, 2018 at 6:30 pm (note the later time) St. Clement's Parish Hall 1515 Wilder Ave.

Please call Jeannie Ferrier at [not available] or email her at jeferrier@msn.com.

Bring a potluck dish to share. Drinks, paper goods and plastic will be provided but please feel free to bring your own reusable utensils & plates.

There is no charge for this event. A calabash bowl will be available to help defray the costs of renting the Hall.

Over dinner learn about Scottish regiments—their history and traditions—and then hear a short historical reminder about WWl by member Phil Paradine. After dinner see part of a Scottish-made DVD concert called "Far, Far from Ypres: Songs, Poems & Music of World War 1l" The concert is described as "a Scots journey to the Western Front in WW1."

Near the end of the recorded concert we hope to join in with some group singing of our own.

This unusual DVD, with a cast of 28, is narrated by Iain Anderson of BBC Radio Scotland. It was devised, written and directed by Ian McCalman, and filmed in Selkirk, Scotland, in August 2018, a performance that was the first in a concert tour of Scottish venues. It consists of marching and trench songs, as well as relevant popular songs from the period, interspersed with narration and accompanied by projected photographs. A report of the live concert says, "A standing ovation raised the roof for several minutes after the show finished. It was a stirring end to a night that left the entire audience moved and somber, but strangely elated."


Copyright Caledonian Society of Hawaii - Last updated June 30, 2024
Email us at info@scotsinhawaii.org