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Journal of James Macrae, Botanist at the Sandwich Islands, 1825

March 1st, 2020

Location: O'Toole's Pub

Start Time: 5:30pm

To celebrate the 2020 Leap Year Weekend, the Society will share a potluck dinner on Sunday, March 1st at 5:30 pm in the Celtic Room at O’Toole’s Irish Pub, located at 902 Nuuanu Ave., downtown Honolulu near the harbor. In this area 195 years ago, Scottish botanist James Macrae probably walked, prepared his plant specimens, and thought about what he would write in the journal he kept during the voyage.

As our program on March 1st we will have a book signing and a talk by Council member Brian Richardson, editor of The Journal of James Macrae, Botanist at the Sandwich Islands, 1825. This book is a transcription of the original manuscript journal kept for Scottish botanist James Macrae when he traveled with Lord Byron on H.M.S. Blonde during its 1824-25 voyage from Britain to the Hawaiian Islands. The primary purpose of the expedition was to return the bodies of King Kamehameha II (Liholiho) and Queen Kamāmalu, both of whom had died of measles during a diplomatic visit to Britain. Books will be available to purchase for $20.

The program will be in the Celtic Room of O’Toole’s Irish Pub. The entrance faces the harbor and the parking lot. The room can be reached through the pub itself. Paper goods will be available, but besides bringing a potluck dish, you may want bring your own reusable dishes and cutlery to help the earth by creating less trash. Drinks can be purchased from the pub.


More information on the book can be found on the UH Press website: https://uhpress.hawaii.edu/product/the-journal-of-james-macrae-botanist-at-the-sandwich-islands-1825/






Copyright Caledonian Society of Hawaii - Last updated June 30, 2024
Email us at info@scotsinhawaii.org