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of Hawai‘i


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  • January 25th, 2025 - Burns Night - our 60th Anniversary!
  • complete Celtic Calendar

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We can accept donations through Squareup - click here to visit.

The Caledonian Society of Hawaii is a qualified non-profit 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.

Donations are gratefully accepted and deductible to the full extent of the law.

Please consult your tax advisor regarding specific questions about your deductions.


Caledonian Society Archives


Annual General Meeting

The Caledonian Society will hold its 2024 Annual General Meeting on the morning of June 22, 2024, at the gracious Waioli Tea Room (now the Waioli Kitchen and Bake Shop) in Manoa at 2950 Manoa Rd. Parking is available on the grounds.

Special guest speaker: Robert (Bob) Oaks

Our activities will begin at 9:30 am with scones (always delicious there) and coffee or tea. The morning refreshments will be followed by the business meeting at which current annual members and life members will review Society business and hold elections for members of the Society governing council for the coming year. 

Highlight of the morning is a presentation by historian Robert (Bob) Oaks, who will discuss the remarkable life and mysterious death in Hawaii of Scotsman David Douglas, the19th century naturalist, whose name is the source of the name of the tree called the Douglas fir. Douglas (1799-1834) was born in Scone, Scotland, and employed by the Hudson's Bay Company, made several visits to Hawaii, and sent thousands of botanical specimens back to the Royal Horticultural Society and elsewhere.

Finally, about 11:00 am we will be served a full set lunch which we will enjoy before the restaurant closes at 1:00 pm.

There will probably also be time to walk around the restaurant to pay our respects to Robert Louis Stevenson in the old grass shack, which has associations with Stevenson from its former location in Waikiki.

Meeting Documents (PDF)

Islands & their Distilleries

Saturday, May 11th, 2024 5:00pm

How many islands are there in Scotland? Where are the Outer Hebrides and Inner Hebrides? Which ones are the easiest to visit? What is unique about them? Which ones have whisky distilleries? These and other questions will be answered by Chieftain Bruce McEwan, plus an opportunity to taste whiskies from a few of the island distilleries. Join us in the Ocean Terrace at the Hokua Condominium, 1288 Ala Moana Blvd.. More information will be forthcoming. Contact Kevin.bogan@gmail.com to sign up.


Genealogy Presentation by Kathy Foster Hudson

Saturday, March 23rd, 5:00 to 7:00pm

Join us at the Hokua Condominium, 1288 Ala Moana Blvd., for a chance to learn how to hunt for your ancestry. Kathy Foster Hudson will discuss “What does the process of genealogy look like in the 21st Century?” Bring a potluck item to share at 5:00 pm. Parking is free in the building.


Burns Night, January 27, 2024

Burns Night, to celebrate the birthday of Scotland's national bard, is set for January 27, 2024, at the Oahu Country Club.

The layout of the room has been changed so there will be good views for all who attend.

Cocktails will begin at 5:30pm with the Call to Dinner at approximately 6:15pm.

For more details, visit the Burns Night page

The event is SOLD OUT.


Burns Country Tour & Songs

January 13, 2024 - this is a new date

Members Karin & Stan Jones took a tour of Scotland visiting the area where Robert Burns lived and wrote his famous works. They will present pictures from their tour and we will hear Burns songs to get us in the mood for the Burns Dinner.

Join us at the Hokua condominium Ocean Terrace.

1288 Ala Moana Blvd. 5:00 to 6:30 pm

Parking is free in the parking lot behind the building.

Please RSVP to susanmack1@mac.com

Zoom is available too. Contact Kevin.bogan@gmail.com Please bring a pupu to share.



Pre-Hogmanay— "What Makes Scottish Music Scottish”
Thursday, December 28th

by Bagpiper Hardy Spoehr and Fiddler Lisa Gomes

Where did Scottish instruments come from and what are they? Are there typical tempos or characteristics of Scottish music? Join us to hear Hardy Spoehr and Lisa Gomes discuss these questions.

The Cathedral of St. Andrew, 229 Queen Emma Square. The Von Holt Room, which is located at the end of the cathedral complex nearest to Washington Place. Pay for parking by using the mounted parking pay box in the middle of the parking lot.

There is no fee for this event, but there will be a calabash for donations.

For those attending in-person, please bring an item for the potluck table. Paper goods will be provided.

5:00 pm Volunteers are welcome to come early to help with set-up.
5:30 pm Event begins. Talk about Hogmanay. Eat and Socialize
6:15 pm Zoom opens and will stay open until program ends.
6 :30 pm Program begins with Hardy & Lisa.
8 00 pm Program will end (time approximate).

Please reserve in advance with Kevin Bogan for either in-person or by Zoom at kevin.bogan@gmail.com


October 28, 2023 - Scottish Ghost Stories

6:00 to 9:00pm potluck


We are excited to have our first in-person potluck since the pandemic. 
Join us for a fun-filled evening of Spooky Stories and shared camaraderie. 

Reservations are a must so email Susan at susanmack1@mac.com, bring your favorite potluck item, and please let Susan know what you are bringing so we have an even assortment.  

Do you want to read a spooky story, either your own or one of ours? Contact Lillian at 808-538-7707.

Come dressed for the occasion or you as usual! 

Parking is validated in the garage on the lane called Queen St. off of Ala Moana Blvd.  Follow signs to the Lobby and give your name to be directed to the Ocean Terrace. 


The name Halloween comes from a Scottish shortening of All Hallows’ Eve and has its roots in the Gaelic festival of Samhain. Here’s a list of 6 Scottish Halloween traditions you might not be aware of. (Information from National Trust for Scotland)


In the past, communities would light huge bonfires to keep evil spirits at bay. In true Scottish tradition, scary faces were carved into neeps (turnips) to create lanterns that would scare off ghouls wandering in the witching hours. Thanks to America’s influence, pumpkins are now as common as turnips for lanterns in Scotland – and are considerably easier to carve.


An ancient Celtic tradition, this game remains a firm favourite at Halloween parties. Without using their hands, players have to grab an apple floating in a basin of water. Sounds easy, right? Dunking tactics include spearing apples with a fork held between the teeth or, for those with strong gnashers, a big decisive bite.


Another activity that sees players banned from using their hands, this messy game challenges participants to take bites out of sticky treacle-covered scones dangling from string. Messy but tasty!


Do you want to find out if you and your significant other will live happily ever after? A Halloween tradition once common among recently engaged couples involved each person putting a nut in a fire. If the nuts burned quietly, the union would be a happy one. However, if they hissed and crackled, a turbulent future lay ahead.


Scottish children traditionally donned costumes and pretended to be malicious spirits as they went ‘guising’ around the local streets. It was believed that, by disguising themselves, they would blend in with any wandering spirits and remain safe from harm. After performing tricks or songs, guisers were given gifts to help ward off evil – a far cry from some of today’s trick- or-treaters, who get ‘treats’ for simply showing up in costume.


This hearty green vegetable is now a fashionable menu item but, once upon a time, kale stalks were used to predict your romantic future. In Robert Burns's poem ‘Halloween’, people pull stalks from the ground after dark with their eyes closed. The length and shape of the stalk was said to represent your future lover’s height and figure, and the amount of soil around the roots represented wealth.


September 30, 2023 - Scottish Heroes XII

4:00 to 6:00pm, St. Andrews Cathedral Von Holt Room

Join us in person or via Zoom for the next Scottish Heroes program. Education is a mission of the Caledonian Society, and since Covid, our Scottish Hero series has been one of the most informative events towards that goal. There are many people from Scotland who have made advancements over the years in medicine, shipping, poetry, engineering, and science to name just a few. We will learn more about

  • C.P. Taylor (1929-1981), a Scottish playwright, from Susan MacKinnon
  • James Hutton (1726-1797) a geologist, from Brian Richardson
  • Robert Fortune (1812-1880), a botanical explorer, and
  • James Taylor (1835-1892), who was a tea planter, both from tea drinker Bruce McEwan
  • James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), physicist, from James Redman

There is time for more heroes to be introduced to the membership. Contact Chieftain McEwan at 808-538- 7707 if you are interested in presenting someone at this event. A Zoom link will be sent out to those who would rather join at home. Please contact Kevin Bogan at kevin.bogan@gmail.com and the link will be sent to you.

August 12, 2023 - Scottish Gardens

4:00 to 6:00pm

We will visit a few Scottish gardens via Zoom at our upcoming event, "'Tis the Season: Scottish Gardens." From 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
some of our members will present gardens including

  • Susan Anderson who will present Inverewe Garden in Wester Ross
  • Karen Thompson will present Brodick Castle Garden on the island of Arran,
  • Kevin Bogan will present Pitmedden Garden in Aberdeenshire.

To attend the Zoom meeting, please reserve in advance so that we know you are coming. Contact Kevin Bogan, at kevin.bogan@gmail.com to reserve your place.

If anyone else would like to present a garden at this meeting, please contact Lillian Cunningham in advance (by August 1st) at lillianc@hawaii.edu.

June 24, 2023, Saturday - Annual General Meeting lunch

Waikiki Yacht Club, 11:00am to 2:00pm

Featuring the music of James McCarthy, who will entertain us with his repertoire of Scottish and Irish songs.

  • Gather at 10:45am
  • Welcoming and a short business meeting at 11:00am
  • Lunch at 11:30am

Download Reservation Form (PDF) or go to the Caledonian Society's SquareUp Online Store (an additional charge of $2 per person will be added to the order, one person per order)

Minutes from the 2022 meeting (PDF) - forthcoming

Reports (all PDFs)

Contact Kevin Bogan Kevin.bogan@gmail.com if you have any questions 

Please consider joining our Society Council as a board member. Contact Bruce McEwan at 808-538-7707 to nominate someone or yourself.

April 29, 2023 Arbor Day - Great Scottish Tours

Our next Caledonian Society event will focus on the Great Scottish Tours.

4:00 to 6:00 pm on Saturday, April 29th. St. Clement Church.

Light refreshments will be served. A calabash will be available for donations.

Reservations are required in advance by emailing Kevin Bogan at kevin.bogan@gmail.com.

Join us for this informative and fun evening.


April 1 and 2, 2023 - Hawaiian Scottish Festival and Highland Games

More information is available at https://www.hawaiianscottishassociation.com/festival-information


Introduction to Scotch Whisky

Our next Caledonian Society event will be an Introduction to Scotch Whisky presented by Chieftain Bruce McEwan at 7 pm on Saturday, March 18th. It will be held in the Ocean Terrace of the Hokua condominium, 1288 Ala Moana Blvd. across the street from the IBM building. Light refreshments will be served along with tea and coffee. A calabash will be available for donations.

Chieftain McEwan has studied whisky for about thirty years and has toured many Scottish distilleries.
His presentation on March 18th will include Whisky Definitions, How Whisky is Made, Whisky as a Business, Whisky Regions in Scotland, Various Distilleries, and a Mini-Tasting.

Reservations are required in advance by emailing Kevin Bogan at kevin.bogan@gmail.com. Join us for this informative and fun evening.

There are many supposed cures for the common cold, but scientists have yet to find a definitive remedy. Sir Alexander Fleming, the Scottish physician, microbiologist and pharmacologist, is a man of whom the Scots are extremely proud. Among his many achievements was the discovery of penicillin. In a poll organized by Scottish Television, viewers voted him the third 'Greatest Scot' of all time, with only Rabbie Burns and Sir William Wallace above him on the list. As a medical man, he had simple advice for dealing with the common cold: “A good gulp of whisky at bedtime--it's not very scientific, but it helps." --Rob Green, The Wicked Wit of Scotland.



Saturday, February 25th, 7:00pm

Have you been to Scotland since the pandemic?
Are you hoping to take a trip to Scotland one of these days?

If your answer to either of these questions is YES, then mark your calendar for , when we talk about PRACTICAL TIPS FOR SCOTTISH TRAVEL. And if your answer to both questions is NO, then mark your calendar for February 25th anyway to enjoy the company of other members, the discussion about Scotland, and the desserts brought by members at the first regular Society in-person meeting since the pandemic.

Here are the details. The meeting will start at 7:00 pm in the Ocean Terrace, which is the cozy meeting room at the Hokua Condominium at 1288 Ala Moana Blvd. Reservations required. Please contact Kevin Campbell Bogan to makeyour reservation and to be sure we have a chair for you.Email Kevin.bogan@gmail.com or call him at 808-778-4697.


Burns Night

Burns Night, to celebrate the birthday of Scotland's national bard, is set for January 28, 2023, at the Waikiki Yacht Club, 1599 Ala Moana Blvd, Honolulu

5:00pm to 9:30pm

Locate your formal Highland clothing to be sure that after 2 years it is ready to wear at our premier event of the year.

The event is SOLD OUT.

see event details





Pre-Hogmanay via Zoom

December 29, 2022, 6:00 pm

In Scotland, New Year's Eve is celebrated as Hogmanay, when people visit each others' houses with gifts of food or fuel. This year in Hawaii we will use ZOOM to celebrate before Hogmanay by visiting 6 places in Scotland which have been designated by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites.

Six members of the Society Council will each host one of the sites to report briefly on what is unique about these places and what each shows about humanity and the gifts of heritage left to us by the people associated with these sites.

The six sites are:

1. The Heart of Neolithic Orkney, several prehistoric creations,

2. The wild island archipelago of St Kilda,

3. The Antonine Wall built by the Romans at the edge of the Roman Empire,

4. New Lanark, an 18th century model mill town,

5. Edinburgh, Old and New Towns, 

6. the Forth Bridge, an icon of Scottish engineering.

Be sure to reserve ahead with Kevin Bogan to be put on the list to receive the Zoom link information, kevin.bogan@gmail.com or 808-778-4697



November 19, 2022 — Soup, Supper and Movie

6:00 pm The Von Holt Room at ST. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL

It’s been a long time, but our popular soup/supper with a movie is back! This time at the Von Holt Room at St. Andrews Cathedral in Honolulu starting at 6:00 p.m. Join us for a night of camaraderie and delicious soups prepared by some of our Council members. Then we will watch the classic comedy from 1983, “Local Hero” with Burt Lancaster as an oil man attempting a buyout of a Scottish seaport. The soup, drinks and all utensils needed will be provided.

Please bring a bread or a dessert to share. There is no charge for this event.

Be sure to bring a friend or two to enjoy the evening. Send an email to Bruce McEwan at bemacewan@gmail.com so we know how much soup to prepare.


Haunted Castles (via Zoom)

Saturday, October 22, 2022, 6:00pm

Everyone is invited to our October Haunted Castles meeting. Be sure to reserve ahead with Kevin Bogan to be put on the list to receive the Zoom link information, kevin.bogan@gmail.com or 808-778-4697

October is the month for ghost stories. This year we wondered how many Scottish castles might have ghosts inhabiting them. The answer is apparently, "Lots of them." Our plan is to find at least 6 of our members who would be willing to research and report on one haunted Scottish castle each and to tell the story of the ghost or ghosts who haunt that castle. We already have some volunteer presenters from the Council lined up, but we would like a few more.

Our current volunteer presenters are:
Karen Thompson - Duntrune Castle, Crinan, Argyll
Jill Ackerman - Leith Hall, Aberdeenshire
Jamie McOuat - Alloa Tower, Clackmannanshire
Hardy Spoehr - Iolani Palace, Ghosts? Not Scottish but locally interesting

Would you be willing to join this group and introduce us, in about 10 minutes, to another Scottish castle and its ghost or ghosts? If so, please contact Lillian Cunningham, lillianc@hawaii.edu or 808-538-7707 and tell her which castle you'd like to talk about at our meeting.



George IVʻs visit to Scotland, 1822

Saturday, September 3, 2022, 6:00pm

Led by Brian Richardson and Lillian Cunningham, we will explore George IV's visit and its effects on Scotland. This will be a Zoom meeting. Be sure to reserve ahead with Kevin Bogan to be put on the list to receive the Zoom information. kevin.bogan@gmail.com or call him at 808-778-4697.

Exactly 200 years ago this August, Edinburgh excitedly welcomed an important visitor for two weeks of parades, parties, and reviews. Everyone in Scotland, who could do so, came to Edinburgh to join in the excitement and show off their new clothes. The visitor was the recently crowned King George IV, the first reigning monarch to visit Scotland in 200 years. His visit to Scotland was stage managed by Scotland's best-selling novelist and popular civic figure, Sir Walter Scott. Because of Scott's romantic vision of Scotland and its past, the 17 days of this visit had a major effect on Scotland's sense of itself and still influences how the world thinks of Scotland even today.

This year, the 200th anniversary of the visit, seems like the time to find out what happened. Why did the king wear pink tights with his new red tartan kilt outfit? Why were the local cartoonists amused at his appearance? What nursery rhyme reminds us of an event the king participated in? What drink did the king request during his visit and why was this hard to get? If you had an invitation to one of these events, do you think you would want to attend?




Image of Denby Fawcett walking in ScotlandJune 25th, 2022, Saturday - Annual General Meeting

Gather at 10:45am
Welcoming and a short business meeting at 11:00am
Lunch at 11:30am
the Program to start at 12:30pm

Waikiki Yacht Club at Ala Moana Beach Park (1599 Ala Moana Blvd.)

This will be our first post-COVID in-person event and will include lunch. Besides taking care of our annual business, including elections of officers and council members, we expect to have an unusual and interesting program. Denby Fawcett and Joe Vierra will tell us about their experiences while Walking Through Scotland.

The menu will be a Mediterranean plate with a choice of fish, chicken, or vegetarian for $35 per person, or lamb kabobs for $40 per person.

Download Reservation Form (PDF)

or go to the Caledonian Society's SquareUp Online Store (an additional charge of $2 per person will be added to the order)

The Annual Meeting of the Society will be hosted by our Membership Secretary, Kevin Bogan. The main business is the election of our directors. There are five positions available and five members running so far. Agreeing to run for another three-year term on the Council are Janice Choate-Zavakos, Jeremy McOuat, and Brian Richardson. Running for their first three-year terms are Jill Ackerman and Anton Anderssen.

Minutes from the 2021 meeting (PDF)


Contact Kevin Bogan Kevin.bogan@gmail.com if you have any questions

THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2022 - 10-11:30AM

During the 19th century King Kalakaua visited England and forged an enduring relationship with the monarchy of Britain.  The 70th Anniversary of Queen Elizabeth’s reign is June 6th and is being celebrated on June 2nd in Hawaii. “The program will feature musical performances, the lighting of two beacons to commemorate the occasion, congratulatory remarks, and more.” (Iolanipalace.org)  

There is a limited amount of seating available for our Celtic organizations on a first come, first served basis at the Palace. Entertainment will begin at 9:30am.

Parking is available at Alii Place across the street from the Palace.  (1099 Alakea St.) City & County fees apply. 

The ceremony will be filmed by Olelo and repeated on channel 53 or 1053 at the following times:
6/22  6:00pm, 6/23 10:00pm, 6/24 8:00am, 6/25 1:30pm

May 14, 2022, Saturday - Family History and Genealogy Research, 6:00 p.m.

Donna Wendt, from our Honolulu County Genealogical Society, will share genealogical sources, tips, and advice on searching ancestry. She might even share a few of her experiences while researching her Scots/Irish ancestry in Scotland.



The Hawaiian Scottish Association’s Festival is only going to be an athletic event this year on Saturday, April 9th at McCoy Pavilion in Ala Moana Park. Titled a “Heavy Athletics Clinic and Mini Games” it will begin at 9:00 AM. Here is the schedule:

0700 - Set up
0900 - Stones, Weight for Distance, Hammer
1130 - BBQ Lunch (provided for athletes and their families/supporters)
1230 - Caber, Sheaf, Weight Over Bar
1600 - Breakdown
1630 - Roll out

For further information, please contact Athletics Director Chris Carr at (831) 277-9837 or by email at hawaiianheavyathletics@gmail.com.


Hawaii State Capitol

Calling all Celts to meet at 4:30 pm on Wednesday, April 6 at the Hawaii State Capitol on Beretania Street.

Wear kilts and/or tartans. Bring Celtic Flags to wave. Scottish & Irish dancers & bagpipers are encouraged to participate.

No RSVP needed--show up if you can.

See more about National Tartan Day here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tartan_Day

Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/21o8BghnU


April 2, 2022, Saturday - Highland Festival & Games

The Hawaiian Scottish Association (HSA) will host a Highland Athletics clinic and mini games on Saturday, April 2nd at the McCoy Pavilion grounds at Ala Moana Beach Park.
More information will be available soon.
Contact Athletics director Chris Carr if you are interested in competing or helping with this event at 831-277-9837.

March 17, 2022, Thursday - St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Meet at 11:00 for the step off at Noon.
This walk is from Fort DeRussy to the Kapiolani Bandstand at Kapiolani Park.
Meet the Caledonian Society at the corner of Kalakaua Ave. and Fort DeRussy. This walk is a gentle mile & a half, but please bring water, sunscreen, hats or whatever you might need to be comfortable. And of course, please wear your tartan!

Questions? Email or call Bruce McEwan at bemacewan@gmail.com or 808-538-7707

March 12, 2022, Saturday - Tartans & Kilts, 6:00 p.m.

  • The Hawaii Tartan - Walter Herring will tell us how the tartan came to be designed, was weaved and then how the tartan was registered in The Scottish Register of Tartans.
  • The wearning of the kilt by Tory Laitila

Contact Kevin Bogan Kevin.bogan@gmail.com to receive a link for the meeting.

February 12, 2022 Scottish Heroes 11 - 6:00 p.m.

  • The National Trust for Scotland by Bruce
  • Sir Walter Scott by Lillian
  • Stanford Fleming by Brian
Contact Kevin Bogan Kevin.bogan@gmail.com

January 29, 2022 Burns Night to be held via Zoom. Featuring Billy Kay.

Special guest Billy Kay (BBC radio personality) live from Scotland, who will present the Immortal Memory and hopefully other aspects of the program.

Features of the Evening:

    • Door Prizes
    • Music
    • Celtic Pipes & Drums of Hawaii
    • Dance Demos
    • Address to a Haggis—Stuart Donachie
    • Toasts to the Lasses & Reply from the Lasses
    • Burns Poetry
    • Tam 'o Shanter (view PDF)
    • Toast to the Immortal Memory of Robert Burns—

Questions? Contact Kevin Bogan Kevin.bogan@gmail.com



Pre-Hogmanay history & Scottish Heroes IX

Wednesday, December 29th, beginning at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom.

This Scottish tradition is usually the last day of the year and in Scotland includes visiting friends and neighbors the next morning. Chieftain Bruce McEwan will explain the history and traditions of this event at our virtual get-together.

There will be two Scottish Heroes presented by Susan MacKinnon & Lillian Cunningham.

  • Susan will discuss Thomas Carlyle who was a Scottish historian, philosopher and essayist. He inspired Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities.
  • Lillian will tell us about Hugh MacDiarmid, a 20th C. poet, essayist and a political figure in 1930’s Scotland.

To reserve your place, please contact Kevin Bogan at Kevin.bogan@gmail.com.
A link to the program will be sent out the day before, on Tuesday.
There is no charge for this program.


Scottish Heroes #9

Sunday, November 14th, beginning at 5:00 pm. via Zoom. To reserve your place, please contact Kevin Bogan at Kevin.bogan@gmail.co. A link to the program will be sent out the day before, on Saturday.  

Adrienne King will tell us about James Anderson King (who arrived in Hawaii in the 1860’s and created a family legacy here), Susan MacKinnon will talk about Charles Rennie Mackintosh (a pioneer of the Art Nouveau movement in the early 1900’s), and Kevin Bogan will discuss Alexander Graham Bell (who invented the telephone).


Scottish Ghost/Spooky Folklore

Saturday, October 23, 2021, 5:30pm.

To reserve your place, please contact Kevin Bogan at Kevin.bogan@gmail.com. A link to the program will be sent out the day before, on Saturday.  

September 12, 2021 Scottish Heroes #8

Sunday, September 12th beginning at 6:00 pm. via ZoomTo reserve your place, please contact Kevin Bogan at Kevin.bogan@gmail.com. A link to the program will be sent out the day before, on Saturday.  

Our newest member of the Council, Karen Thompson, will talk about “Happy Accidents” – The Alexander Fleming Story. Alexander Fleming (1881 – 1955) was a Scottish physician and bacteriologist who made many  notable contributions to medicine, and most importantly, he discovered the antibiotic properties of penicillin.   Considered the biggest medial discovery of the 20th century, it indelibly changed the course of history and medicine, making Dr. Fleming a Scottish Hero. 

Hardy Spoehr will discuss "Kalakaua's Three Kanaka Maoli face the Baltic" - a brief discussion of the adventures of Henry Kapena, Hugo Kawela, and John Lovell in Glasgow.”

These very educational and informational programs have been enjoyable for everyone during these pandemic times.  It’s been a fun way to see some friends of the Caledonian Society and to stay connected. Please join us!

Annual General Meeting, Saturday, June 19, 2021
Bill’s musical whisky tour

featuring Bill Mullen
Start Time: 2:00pm
Venue: Zoom - registration required
Email Kevin at: kevin.bogan@gmail.com to register.

Meeting details and reports

Scottish Heroes VII, May 29, 2021

Start Time: 5:00pm
Venue: Zoom - registration required
Email Kevin at: kevin.bogan@gmail.com to register.

  • Kirkpatrick Macmillan (Susan Anderson)
  • Archibald Cleghorn (Hardy Spohrs)
  • More Margarets (Lillian Cunningham)

Would you like to give a presentation at another Scottish Heroes event? We have suggestions for you or you can suggest someone you would like to investigate. Please call Bruce McEwan at 538-7707 or email him at bemacewan@gmail.com.

Scottish Heroes VI, April 17, 2021

Start Time: 5:00pm
Venue: Zoom - registration required
Email Kevin at: kevin.bogan@gmail.com to register.

  • Lillian Cunningham will talk about “Several Scottish Margarets.”
  • Mary O’Brien-Ichikawa’s presentation is about Miss Milligan, who was one of the founders of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society.
  • Bruce McEwan’s effort will be “Islay: Queen of the Hebrides."

Would you like to give a presentation at another Scottish Heroes event? We have suggestions for you or you can suggest someone you would like to investigate. Please call Bruce McEwan at 538-7707 or email him at bemacewan@gmail.com.

Let's Have a Parade on Tartan Day, April 6th, 2021

Start Time: 6:00pm
Venue: Zoom - registration required
Email Kevin at: kevin.bogan@gmail.com to register.

So, OK, we can’t have a parade down King Street. Let’s be creative, think of innovative ways to celebrate Tartan Day for ourselves and have an online parade. Come up with some novel celebratory ideas and carry out one or more of them. Show or tell us about what you did to celebrate.

Here are some starter ideas to celebrate outstanding achievements and contributions made by Scottish Americans:

  1. Make and wear a tartan mask,
  2. Devise and use a tartan background for your Zoom picture,
  3. Draw an appropriate picture or cartoon,
  4. Write a celebratory poem,
  5. Cook and eat something Scottish,
  6. Write a paragraph or so describing or celebrating one of your own Scottish ancestors,
  7. Play Scottish music,
  8. Do something else creative.

Scottish Heroes V, March 20, 2021

Start Time: 5:00pm
Venue: Zoom - registration required
Email Kevin at: kevin.bogan@gmail.com to register.

  • Black Agnes Randolf by Susan MacKinnon
  • Andrew Carnegie by Brian Bellah
  • Sir James Alexander Mirrlees and Angus Deaton (Nobel Laureates in Economics) by Bruce McEwan


Scottish Heroes, February 13, 2021

The Life, Impact, and Death of David Douglas

Presentation by Brian Richardson

Start Time: 6:00pm



Burns Night, January 23, 2021

Online With the Bard

Start Time: noon

Venue: Zoom - registration required

Featuring Scottish musician Bill Mullen, who will be joining us from Florida.

An optional Burnsday Haggis and Toasting Bag is available for people on O’ahu. Includes one can Caledonian Kitchen Highland Beef Haggis, two mini bottles of whisky, four Big Island cookies, and a paper program. All delivered by a kilted delivery person and a piper.


Scottish Heroes III

Saturday December 12th at 5:00pm (via Zoom)

We will be learning more about:

  • The Falls of Clyde— Bruce McEwen
  • Alexander Adams, singer, musician and songwriter — Tory Laitila
  • Ian McHarg, landscape architect and regional planner — Christopher Haig

Email Kevin at: kevin.bogan@gmail.com to register.

Scottish Heroes II

Saturday November 14th at 5:00pm (via Zoom)

We will be learning more about:

  • Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, novelist — Kevin Campbell Bogan
  • George Douglas Freeth, Jr., local waterman — Hardy Spoehr
  • Neil Gow (pictured on the right), composer and fiddlerLisa Gomes

Email Kevin at: kevin.bogan@gmail.com to register.

Scottish Heroes I

Saturday October 17th at 6:00pm (via Zoom)

We will be learning more about:

  • Flora MacDonald, courageous heroine — Brian Bellah
  • Professor Sue Black, forensic anthropologist — Susan Anderson
  • Eric Liddell, rugby player — David Jeffrey
  • Josephine Tey, author of The Daughter of Time — Kristen Laitila

Arlene Holmes-Henderson and Matt Booth from Scotland
Sunday, September 27th 9:00 AM Hawaii Standard Time From the UK via Zoom

Arlene will talk on Scotland's response to COVID-19: Challenges and Triumphs.

Matt will speak on Brexit: What is happening now and what will happen next?

Please make your reservation for this program by contacting Kevin Campbell Bogan at kevin.bogan@gmail.com.

Details can be found in the September-October Newsletter (PDF)

Annual General Meeting - August 23rd, 2:00pm, via Zoom

Shipwrecks & Seafaring Stories of Hawaii’s Past, Thursday, July 30th, 4:30 to 5:30 via Zoom

Journey with Dr. Hans Van Tilburg of NOAA as he shares tales of survival and intrigue and other historical accounts of Hawaii’s underwater cultural heritage in this unique presentation. Learn more and register here.

The Wizard Meets the King - John Anderson meets King Kamehameha IV
Zoom presentaton by Hardy Spoehr
May 30, 2020 7:00pm Hawaii time
Register in advance is required for this meeting
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the event

Presentation on the Journal of James Macrae, Botanist at the Sandwich Islands, 1825, Sunday, March 1st - with Brian Richardson

Burns Night, Saturday, January 25th, 2020 - Rantin' Rovin' Robin'

Date: January 25th, 2020
Start Time 5:00pm
Venue: Velocity at 888 Kapiolani Blvd

This year, there will be dancing with live band (Ferris Bueller Band) after dinner.


Scottish Travel Tips

Saturday, November 9, 6:30 pm

Hokua Condominiums, Ocean Terrace Room 1288 Ala Moana Blvd

Are you anticipating a trip to Scotland or would you like to make such a trip? This could be the sweet event for you. Come to the Ocean Terrace at Hokua Condominium at 1288 Ala Moana Blvd. at 6:30 pm on Saturday, Nov. 9.

Bring a dessert or after-dinner snack to share. Coffee (regular and decaf) and tea (several kinds) will be provided, but you are welcome to contribute other adult drinks for the bar if you wish.

We will first review the map of Scotland with its various regions. Then some of our recent travelers will summarize their trips and pass along their own Scottish Travel Tips. We will hear about several kinds of trips with several different answers to common questions. You might even want to take notes and bring along your own questions. If you can’t manage to take a trip to Scotland in person, how about planning a fantasy trip?

Here are some of the questions that will no doubt be discussed: Where should I go? Should I focus on one or two geographical or cultural areas? Are there any sights that I should absolutely include in my first trip? How should I travel? Is driving difficult? Where should I stay? Should I take a tour or create my own itinerary? How far ahead do I need to book my arrangements? How do I estimate travel time required between various parts of Scotland? Where do I get reliable travel information at home and also while I am in Scotland? What should I take with me? When is a good time of the year to visit Scotland? Are there any special kinds of trips available that I might not think about?

Reservations are required for this event as it is a secured building and space is limited. Parking is free in the Hokua parking lot. Email Susan MacKinnon at susanmack1@mac.com for reservations. Donations welcome to offset costs.

The Quiet Man And Soup Supper

Sunday, October 20th
Hokua Condominium Ocean Terrace 1288 Ala Moana Blvd
5:00 PM

You probably have seen The Quiet Man over and over, and of course it is set in Ireland (not Scotland), but we think you will love to see the 1952 classic John Ford movie again (or for the first time). John Wayne, Maureen O’Hara and Barry Fitzgerald star in this 1953 Academy Award winning romantic comedy. We also will show a short Scottish video (to be determined).

We often love to have a soup supper to enjoy before our movies and this time is no exception. Members on the Society Council will provide the soups. Please bring a potluck pupu, bread, salad or dessert to share and help round out the meal. BYO adult drinks if you’d like. Non-alcoholic drinks will be provided.

We’ll gather around 5:00 PM for socializing & pupus. The supper will start around 5:30 PM with the short feature at 6:30 PM and The Quiet Man will begin at 7:00 PM.

Reservations are required for this event as it is a secured building and space is limited. Parking is free in the Hokua parking lot. Email Susan MacKinnon at susanmack1@mac.com for reservations. Donations welcome to offset costs. 

"The Clearances"

The Highland Clearances
Saturday, September 7, 2019, 5:00pm
St, Clement's Episcopal Church
1515 Wilder Ave.

View pictures from the event

Council member Philip Paradine has been studying the Clearances to be able to discuss what they were, how they came to be, and what were the consequences of the very lengthy period of time (approximately 1785 to 1850). This era had significant implications both to Scotland and to the U.S.

We will meet at St. Clement's Parish Hall to enjoy companionship and a potluck dinner. Paper goods and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. BYOB if you would like.

Between 1785 and 1850 the Highlands and Islands of Scotland witnessed a social and demographic upheaval in which tens of thousands of clansmen were removed from their homes and holdings to make way for large-scale sheep farming. Such agricultural 'improvement' intended to maximize the land's yield and the owner's income had swept the Lowlands in the 18th century causing some relocation and protest, but later this occurred mostly in the Highlands and Islands.

The Clearances were conducted in an autocratic and often brutal manner and impoverished a population which was also a distinct cultural entity with its own concepts of land tenure. Therefore the whole subject is (still) fraught with emotive undertones and remains both sensitive and contentious.

Clearances involved two distinct types of removal. On the one hand it was a program of resettlement within individual estates whereby tenants were evicted from the communal rigs and grazings of their forefathers to more marginal land, or to villages, usually on the coast. There they were settled on impoverished lots, later known as crofts, whose agricultural potential was poor but whose opportunities for fishing and kelping were supposed to compensate. The second type of removal, though not always forced, was often prompted by the failure of these new lots to provide a living. Population pressures, rent increases, downturns in fishing and kelping and above all the potato famine of 1846, resulted in destitution and hence emigration, either to the Lowlands or to the colonies. It has been widely believed that The Clearances were a major reason for mass emigration to North America and other colonies.

Whole townships were sometimes cleared and sometimes burned; tenants and their livestock were evicted, and the land enclosed to create sheep runs. In many areas tenants suffered from brutal treatment by landlords or their infamous agents, and notorious incidents occurred. Stories of atrocities are frequently told. For a time, some landlords, especially clan chiefs, still wanted numerous retainers and the government encouraged this to provide Highland troops for Napoleonic wars. Eventually a number of landed estates were sold to outsider non-Gaelic and non-Highland landlords leaving tenants feeling betrayed by their former protectors.
Adapted from Collins Encyclopedia of Scotland


Sunset Celtic Cruise on the Makani Catamaran

Cosponsored by SASH (The Saint Andrew Society of Hawaii) & FOSP (The Friends of Saint Patrick of Hawaii)

Saturday, August 3
Showtime: 5:00 pm
Sailing: 5:30-7:30 pm
Kewalo Basin Boat Harbor 
1009 Ala Moana Blvd, Slip F-1
(Ala Moana & Ward)

To RSVP, call Makani Catamaran (808) 591-9000, & tell them you are with the “Celtic” group. 

$40 per person includes:
  • Spectacular views of Honolulu, Waikiki, and Diamond Head at sunset aboard a beautiful catamaran
  • Includes island-style dinner buffet with hot and cold selections
  • Includes one complimentary drink, along with a full bar onboard
  • Sail with a friendly and experienced crew on a two-hour excursion along the coast

We will raise the Celtic flags, have a bagpiper pipe us out of the slip, and play Celtic music during the cruise. 
Casual Attire. Kilts welcome (but no regimental--it gets windy on this boat)
Parking available at Kewalo Harbor.
The regular adult price for this sail is $119! Please tip your crew generously. 
This event is open to the public--membership is not required. Feel free to share. Guests & all ages welcome!

For questions: registrar@standrewsocietyhawaii.org

See https://sailmakani.com for more info on The Makani Catamaran.

Hawaii Celtic Fourth of July Picnic 2019 (Note change of venue from previous years) 

Nimitz Cove Beach, Coral Sea Road, Kapolei

Hawaii Celtic Fourth of July Picnic
Thursday, July 4, 12:00 – 6:00pm
Nimitz Beach Cabana 1806

Co-sponsored by The Saint Andrew Society of Hawaii, The Friends of St. Patrick, & The Caledonian Society of Hawaii

This is a event!

Information is also available on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/events/388932968325532/

Members of Celtic groups, dancers, musicians & their guests/family welcome!

We'd like to thank you for your service to our Celtic community. 


Celtic Organizations will provide: 
* hamburgers
* hot dogs
* buns
* condiments
* onions, lettuce, pickles
* beer
* sodas
* ice
* charcoal
* paper supplies/cups

What We Need You to Bring: 
* Potluck side dish or dessert to share
* Alcohol is okay -- NO GLASS BOTTLES
* Swimsuits, towels, water toys, and sunblock
* Musicians, feel free to bring your instruments


Annual General Meeting with Bill Mullen, 2019

view details and pictures of the event

Caledonian Movie Night

What We Did on Our Holiday
Saturday, May 4th, 5:30pm
St. Clement's Church

Doug and Abi take their kids on a family vacation. Surrounded by relatives, the kids innocently reveal the ins and outs of their family life and many intimate details about their parents. It's soon clear that when it comes to keeping a big secret under wraps from the rest of the family, their children are their biggest liability... Find out how the rest of the family cope and see if the holiday will ever end. View summary at IMDB.

Potluck. Contact Jeannie Ferrier at jeferrier@msn.com, 808-271-0779

The Grand Scotch TourX

Grand Scotch Tour Poster

Friday, March 29th

The Plaza Club
900 Fort Street
5:30 to 8:30pm

Tickets are $85 pre-sale, $95 at the door, $70 for non-drinkers

For reservations, email bmcewan@hawaiiantel.net

For payment: https://squareup.com/store/hawaiian-scottish-association/item/grand-scotch-tour

All proceeds will benefit Shriners Hospital Walk-in Clinic


New Member Welcome & a Film

Please come to 411 Hobron Ln. on Friday, September 28th at 6:00pm to welcome our new members and enjoy a romantic film from 1945, as well as a potluck supper. If you've been to one of these welcome parties, please bring a side dish to share. If you are new to our Society, please just come and enjoy yourselves! The Society will be BBQing a meat. There is no charge for this event but donations are appreciated.

Reservations are required. Please call Jeannie Ferrier at [not available] or email her at jeferrier@msn.com.

Directions to 411 Hobron Ln.: The building is in Waikiki. If you come either direction along Ala Moana Blvd., make a turn Mauka onto Hobron Ln. at the light at the Ilikai Hotel. 411 Hobron Ln. is on the corner of Hobron & Lipeepee St. Continue on Hobron Ln. Park in gravel lot behind the building (across from the Food Pantry). Tell security you are going to the event sponsored by Gregg Fraser, then proceed to the 5th floor party room.

SASH/FOSP Sunset Celtic Cruise on the Makani Catamaran

Saturday, August 11
Showtime: 5:00PM
Kewalo Basin Boat Harbor
1009 Ala Moana Blvd, Slip F-1 (Ala Moana & Ward)

$40 per person includes:

  • 2-hour sunset sail with spectacular views of Honolulu, Waikiki, & Diamond Head, & a beautiful Hawaiian sunset!
  • Island-Style Dinner with Hot & Cold Selections
  • 1 Complimentary Drink (Choice of Alcoholic & Non-Alcoholic Beverages)

To RSVP, call Makani Catamaran (808) 591-9000, & tell them you are with the “Celtic Cruise” group.  See https://sailmakani.com for more info on The Makani Catamaran

We will raise the Celtic flags, have a bagpiper pipe us out of the slip, and play Celtic music during the cruise.

Casual Attire. Kilts welcome (but no regimental--it gets windy on this boat)
Parking: available at Kewalo Harbor for $1/hour, cash or credit card.
This event is open to the public--membership is not required. Feel free to share. Guests & all ages welcome!

For questions: registrar@standrewsocietyhawaii.org

Annual General Meeting, 2018

Saturday, June 23, 11:00am to 2:00pm, The Oahu Country Club

The program for June 23rd, titled "Who Lived in Scotland Before it Was Scotland?" will take us back 5,000 years to the Neolithic Age when our ancestors built amazing stone circles long before Stonehenge. It will make special reference to Orkney, the group of islands 7 miles north of Mainland Scotland, which has long been known for its rich archaeological heritage of Stone Age structures, such as the huge chambered tomb of Maesehowe and the cozy underground houses of Skara Brae. New scientific techniques have recently revealed an enormous multi-building temple complex on the scale of the Acropolis in Greece, but 2,500 years older and currently being excavated.

Lillian Cunningham, Brian Richardson, and Bruce McEwan are coordinating this program with help from others members and featuring some spectacular photography.

View reports

View more details and photos

The Stone of Destiny

Saturday, May 26th, 5:30 to 9:00            

St. Clement’s Parish Hall, 1515 Wilder St. Honolulu

The Stone of Destiny is a fictionalized version of a true story about the Stone of Scone, the ancient carved stone on which Scottish Kings were crowned for centuries.  In 1296, England's King Edward I removed the stone to Westminster Abbey where it became part of the Coronation Throne there. In 1950 a small group of nationalistic students from Edinburgh surreptitiously entered Westminster Abbey, removed the stone, and took it back to Scotland. It is this exploit that the movie recounts. Now there are two stones, one in England and one in Scotland. It is said that nobody now knows for sure which is the original and which is the copy. The Scots, of course, believe the stone in Scotland is the original.    

A potluck soup supper will be prepared by Jackie Phillips and Susan Anderson. Please bring a pupu, bread, salad or dessert to share.  After supper, the movie The Stone of Destiny will be shown.  There is no charge for this event, but please consider a donation to help defray costs of renting the room.  

Highland Games, April 6th to 8th, McCoy Pavilion, Ala Moana Park — April 7th and 8th
We need volunteers to help with the Caledonian Society booth both days.  Please let me know if you are interested in talking to people and helping us generate new membership, find a recipient for our Scottish Education Research Grant (SERG), discuss our events both current and past, and/or just talk story with event-goers.   The HSA also needs many volunteers to help with the Festival.  Check out the website at www.hawaiianscottishassociation.org to see all the opportunities available.

Tartan Day — April 6

Princess Ka`iulani Tribute — April 5
Royal Mausoleum of Hawaii at 5:30pm

Grand Scotch Whisky Tasting — March 30
The Willows Restaurant

Irish - Scottish Family Roots and Relics Genealogy Workshops — Tuesday, March 20, 2018

8:00 AM  5:00 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew
Queen Emma Square
Honolulu, HI, 96813

Join experts Fintan Mullan and Gillian Hunt from the Ulster Historical Foundation  to learn how to get the most out of Irish resources and gain tips and tricks for breaking down brick walls.  The seminar will explore strategies for researching Irish and Scots-Irish ancestors.  The programme content covers the whole island of Ireland, not solely Ulster. Topics covered will include:
• Introduction to Irish and Scots-Irish family history research
• Understanding Irish townlands: and administrative divisions
• Using land records: Griffith’s valuation, tithe and estate records
• Census substitutes and other important genealogical sources
• Records related to the different Churches in Ireland
• Using printed sources for Irish family history
• Q&A and solving brick walls

There is a cost of $40.00 per person which includes your lunch and the meet and greet. 

Further Information Contact:
Brenda Reichel, Chieftain,
Saint Andrew Society of Hawaii
E-mail: poilady@aol.com

More about the Ulster Historical Society at: https://www.ancestryireland.com
Find them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/UlsterHistoricalFoundation or Twitter at https://twitter.com/UlsterHistory

Here’s the link to register on Square:

Here is the link to the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/158726818107731/?ti=icl

St. Patrick's Day Parade — Saturday, March 17th
Want to walk in the Parade? Everyone welcome. It's only about a mile and starts at Fort DeRussy. Meet on Kalakaua Ave. by 11:00 A.M. Wear your tartan (and a bit of green to keep the Irish from pinching!). We'll join the Saint Andrew Society and show off our Society.

Whisky Galore, March 3rd, 2018
This fun movie was critically acclaimed in its original 1949 version and is also getting great reviews in this version.  It's based on the real-life story of the shipwreck of the SS Politician and the local Scottish islanders who raided the ship of its cargo of 24,000 cases of whisky.   Meet at the Hokua condominium at 1288 Ala Moana Blvd. at 7:00p.m.  We'll bring the popcorn, Scottish ale, and a non-alcoholic drink as well.   There is no charge for this film but donations are always welcome to help defray costs.  A calabash bowl will be available.  

Full Steam Ahead Excursion, Saturday, February 10th

view photographsThumbnail of the reservation form

January 27th, 2018
Oahu Country Club
150 Country Club Rd., Honolulu

Because of the life and works of the Scotland’s National Bard, Robert Burns, Society members and guests will dress in their best Scottish wear for the annual Burns Night on Saturday, January 27, 2018, at the Oahu Country Club for cocktails, dinner, and a program both traditional and innovative.

Cocktails and music begin at 5:00pm, the Call to Pipes is at 6:15pm

Click here to visit the registration page



Scottish Ship Building History 

Saturday, November 18, starting at 5:30 pm

We will have a fun Gratitude Potluck Dinner followed by a very special presentation on "Scottish Ship Building History."  This is the tradition that produced our favorite sailing ship, Falls of Clyde, which will be 139 years old in December. 

The event will be held in the parish hall of St. Clement's Church on the corner of Wilder and Makiki streets in Honolulu. 1515 Wilder Ave.

We are delighted to have as our speaker Dr. Hans Van Tilburg, who is Maritime Heritage Coordinator for the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration in the NOAA Office of Marine Sanctuaries, USA. Dr. Van Tilburg also teaches at UH Manoa where his students rate him as "an awesome teacher." Put this event on your calendar now.  It is sure to be entertaining and enlightening.

Reserve your place by calling Jeannie at [not available].  Cost for this evening is $5 per person and will include one “Tall Ship Cocktail" (adults only, 21 years of age and older) made by Chieftain McEwan.  You may then purchase another cocktail for $2.50 if desired. Non-alcholic drinks will be provided by the Society as well. Please bring a potluck dish to share with others.  If you’d like, please dress in costume of the period (nautical wear especially encouraged).  

Haunted Castles and Folktales 

Saturday, October 28th

7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Hokua Condominium Ocean Terrace * 1288 Ala Moana Blvd. 

On Saturday, October 28th, come enjoy ghost stories & folklore from Scotland. Bring a potluck dessert or a savory snack to share with your fellow Caledonians while listening to haunting tales. The first tales of the evening will be told by some Society members who have already volunteered and prepared to do so. We expect that there will be time for other tales, so if you would like to bring a Scottish folk tale or ghost story to tell or read, please do so. 

Reservations are required so please call Jeannie at [not available]

There is no charge but please feel free to add to the calabash bowl. 


Hawaii Celtic Fourth of July Picnic 2017

July 4th, Noon - 6pm
Bellows Pavilion B
This is a FREE event!

Co-sponsored by:

  • The Saint Andrew Society of Hawaii
  • The Friends of St. Patrick, &
  • The Caledonian Society of Hawaii.

Members of Celtic groups, dancers, musicians & their guests/family welcome! We'd like to thank you for your service to our Celtic community.
RSVP: SASHawaii@icloud.com

Non-Military (without Military/DoD Identification Card): For those age 16 & older, we must have your RSVP, NO LATER THAN JUNE 26th. Please include NAME, DATE OF BIRTH, CONTACT PHONE NUMBER, and EMAIL ADDRESS of all attendees. We need this information so Bellows can do the background check and we can get you Base passes.

Active/Retired Military (with Military/DoD Identification Card): We don't need your date of birth, but we need your RSVP NO LATER THAN JUNE 26th so we can give Bellows a good headcount as part of the Pavilion Rental rules.

Celtic Organizations will provide: hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, condiments, cheese, onions, lettuce, pickles, sodas, ice, charcoal, and paper supplies/cups
What We Need You to Bring:

  • Potluck side dish or dessert to share
  • Alcohol is okay -- NO GLASS BOTTLES
  • Swimsuits, towels, water toys, and sunblock
  • All vehicles must have current drivers license, proof of insurance, proof of inspection, and current vehicle registration.

Download PDF



The Falls of Clyde paintingAn Invitation to the Annual General Meeting

Saturday, June 24th
11:00 a.m. to 2:00 pm
Oahu Country Club
150 Country Club Rd.

$27.00 Members - $32.00 Non-Members

Reservations required by June 16th

Click here for more details and to register.


Caledonian Society May Meeting

Topic: DNA Genealogy Basics
Sunday, May 7, 1:30 to 3:30 pm
Ho‘omaluhia Botanical Garden in Kaneohe

Festival & Highland Games - Hawaiian Scottish Association

McCoy Pavilion—Ala Moana Beach Park

Kick-off celebration at the Pavilion - 10th Annual Ceilidh
Friday, April 7th 5:00 to 9:00.
Tickets at the door: $3 each or $5 including one free drink
No reservations needed

Saturday, April 8th 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Clans, Scottish entertainment, Athletic competition, highland dancing, and much more
EXTRA! Entertainment & fun from 6:00 to 9:00pm

Sunday, April 9th 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Clans, Scottish entertainment, Athletic competition, highland dancing, and much more

Check out the website at www.hawaiianscottishassociation.org

To volunteer at the Caledonian Society booth, please email me (Susan) at: susanmack1@mac.com

8th Annual Grand Scotch Tour

Friday, March 31st 5:30 to 8:30pm
Willows Restaurant: 901 Hausten St.
Tickets are $85 (pre-sale) & $95 (at the door)
For Reservations call the restaurant at:

Soup Supper

Friday, March 3, 2017, starting at 5:30 pm

At the Ocean Terrace at Hokua Condo. Bruce and Jackie will each make a pot of soup. Attendees are asked to bring potluck pupu, bread or dessert. A program will be given by Hardy Spoehr about "The Great HIghland Bagpipes in Hawaii," the subject he treats in his book. He will have visuals. It should be fun—because it's Hardy!

Contact Lillian at 538-7707 or lillianc@hawaii.edu

Burns Night

January 28, 2017
Oahu Country Club
150 Country Club Rd., Honolulu

Because of the life and works of the Scotland’s National Bard, Robert Burns, Society members and guests will dress in their best Scottish wear for the annual Burns Night on Saturday, January 28, 2017, at the Oahu Country Club for cocktails, dinner, and a program both traditional and innovative. Please note the date, which has been changed from the date announced earlier.

Download the Reservation Form (PDF)



Pre-Hogmanay Ceilidh

Friday, December 30, 2016
Penthouse Party Room
1001 Wilder Avenue
4:30pm- 9:00pm

Please phone Jeannie Ferrier at [not available] by Wednesday, December 28th, to reserve for the party.

Scottish Traditional Holiday Dishes

November 5, 2016, 5:00-9:00pm
Calvary Episcopal Church - note the change in location

Price: $10 Members; $15 Non-Members

Mail check to PO Box 4164, Honolulu, HI 96812-4164

Contact Lillian at 538-7707 or lillianc@hawaii.edu

Special Talk on Brexit by Arlene-Holmes Henderson, Thursday, October 20th, 7:00pm

Arlene is the Scottish woman who spent six months on Oahu in 2013-2014 studying how the Hawaiian language has been growing in Hawaii. She works with the Scottish government with their efforts to grow the Gaelic throughout Scotland. You might remember that in 2015 she was one of our judges for the Hawaiian Scottish food contest held at St. Clement's Church. She has offered to talk to us about the political situation in Scotland after the Brexit vote earlier this year to leave the European Union.

This event will be at Hokua, 1288 Ala Moana Blvd., in the Ocean Terrace Room. Please email Susan at susanmack1@mac.com, or call 591-9398, to make a reservation.

Space is limited and names will be required at the lobby desk. There is no charge for this event.

Hawai`i Public Radio Oct. 13th 12:00 to 3:00pm

Can you help HPR with their pledge drive? Join other Caledonian members to man the phones at the HPR station located at 738 Kaheka St. To volunteer, please call Chieftain McEwan at 538-7707 or email him at brucemcewan@hawaiiantel.net .

Whisky Galore with Whisky Tasting

Saturday, October 1, 2016 (Changed from September 24th)
6:30 pm to 9:30 pm.
Cost: $10 for Caledonian Members, $20 for non-members

St. Clement's Episcopal Church
1515 Wilder Ave. Honolulu

A whisky tasting will take place with Chieftain McEwan leading us in tasting selections from various Scottish regions. Popcorn, snacks & non-alcoholic beverages will also be provided. (Please have your dinner meal, if wished, before coming)

For more information, contact Jeannie Ferrier at jeferrier@msn.com or Lillian Cunningham at lillianc@hawaii.edu

Reservations and payments are required


China through the Lens of John Thomson, 1868-1872 (June 5, 2016 - September 11, 2016)

Legendary Scottish photographer and travel writer John Thomson (1837-1921) set off to Hong Kong in 1868, and in the following four years he undertook several major journeys photographing regions of China from the Pearl River, the Min River to the Yangtze River and from Fuzhou, Shanghai to Beijing.

More information is available here.


Great Scots & Potluck dinner

Burns Night - Singing Burns


Newsletters: January-February • March-AprilMay-June • July-August • November-December

Pre-Hogmanay Ceilidh - Saturday, December 27, 2015

40th Anniversay Gala

Burns Night - Rabbie, Tam and Cutty Sark

Fourth of July Picnic

Annual General Meeting

Clan Night

The Hawaiian Scottish Festival & Highland Games

Hawaiian and Gaelic - presentation by Arlene  Holmes  Henderson

Robert Louis Stevenson Day - Birthday of the Scottish writer who visited Hawaii in the 1880s.

St. Patrick's Day Parade


Newsletters: January-February • March-AprilMay-June • June (special) October-NovemberDecember

An Independent Scotland?

SERG winner - Colleen Patton

Book and movie

Burns Night - The Lassies Remember Robbie Burns


GREAT SCOT!  David Douglas:  History & Mystery in Hawaii

New member picnic

Scottish pub food

Recipe contest - also read the compilation


Newsletters: FebruaryApril-May-JuneJune (special)July-AugustOctober-NovemberDecember

Annual General Meeting

Burns Night

Catamaran ride

Geneology program

An Evening Breakfast - cooking demonstration

Honoring St. Andrew

Movie in May in Manoa

New member welcome

Open House


Newsletters: February-MarchApril-MayJune-JulyAugust-SeptemberOctober-NovemberDecember

Burns Night

Festival Photos

Annual General Meeting

Family Day Picnic

"AN AUTUMN EVENING" - Scottish folk tales and ghost stories

On Scottish Soil - a presentation by SERG winner Billy O'Brien

Princess Ka'iulani: The Movie and the History

Scotland's Cat : "Last of the Scottish Wildcats" - viewing

SERG winner, Billy O'Brien - working on organic farms


Newsletters: February-MarchApril-MayJune-JulyAugust-SeptemberOctober-November

Burns Night Dinner 2011

Annual General Meeting

Fare from Hame

Book Club - The Hills is Lonely

The Songs and Music of Scotland Featuring:   Isla St. Clair

SERG musical presentation


Newsletters: January-FebruaryApril-MayAugust-SeptemberOctoberDecember

Burns Night Dinner

Burns Night, 250th Birthday Anniversary Celebration - Collection 1 - Collection 2 - Collection 3

Annual General Meeting

Book Discussion & High Tea - Discussing Alexander McCall Smith

Harry Lauder Soup Supper

Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western United States


Newsletters: January-FebruaryMarch-AprilJune-JulySeptember-OctoberNovember-December

Burns Worldwide Toast (Local)

New Member Meeting

Princess Ka'iulani Memorial

Annual General Meeting

Edinburgh Adventures: Summer 09

New Members

The Soup, the Captain, and the Ceilidh


Newsletters: January-FebruaryAugust-SeptemberOctober-November

2008 Burns Night Dinner

Orkney Afternoon with the Rev. Fiona Lillie

Soup Supper and Whisky Tasting


Newsletters: March, June

Burns night flyer



If any member has photos of past events and would care to share them (either as a link or .jpg files) with the society please let the Webmaster know.


Copyright Caledonian Society of Hawaii - Last updated June 30, 2024
Email us at info@scotsinhawaii.org